We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd September. Gates open at 8.35am. Please ensure your child is in class ready for registration at 8.45am. Home time for all children is 3.15pm.

How will school let me know if they have any concerns about my child's learning?

In lessons the class teacher will always present a selection of work at different levels for the children to choose from. They will identify and arrange more or less support depending on your child’s needs. Parents evenings are held twice a year but should you wish to discuss your child with either the class teacher or member of our SENCO team at any other time, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment. 

A child’s additional needs may have been observed by the class teacher, SENCO team, other staff member or a family member. This could have been in tests, in looking at your child’s work or from general observations of your child. Your child’s attainment may be falling behind their peers or their difficulty could be in other areas; speech, social concerns or medical difficulties.

If your child has been identified as needing additional classroom support an Individual Support Plan would be created, which will have identified short term targets. These will be created by the class teacher and will be shared with parents. Any additional support will be put in place and evaluated by the class teacher regularly. At this stage there will not be any decision made regarding any Special Educational Need.

If any difficulties persist the SENCO team will invite you to meet with them and the class teacher. We will talk about your child’s areas of strengths and difficulties and your concerns. We will agree outcomes for your child and identify ways of supporting them to achieve these. After this or at further meetings it may be decided that it is best to add your child to the Special Educational Needs list.


 Updated September 2022