Gates open at 8.35am. Please ensure your child is in class ready for registration at 8.45am. Home time for all children is 3.15pm. <script src="" defer></script>

Young Carers

Who is a Young Carer?

A young carer is a young person under the age of 18 whose life is affected by the care needs of another person, who may have any disability or long-term illness.

This could be anybody with a physical or learning disability, mental health problem, long term chronic health condition, someone who misuses drugs or alcohol, or is elderly and frail.

Young carers provide, or help to provide, a level of care and support to that person and take on a level of responsibility usually associated with an adult. The person they care for is usually someone they live with and could be a parent, sibling, grandparent or other relative.

If you think your child is a Young Carer please contact email FAO of Ms Nikki Palethorpe. 


Young Carers Champion - Ms Nikki Palethorpe
Senior Leadership Lead - Mrs Natalie Langtree, Head teacher