Gates open at 8.35am and pick up is 3.15pm.

SSC Local offer

The Special Support Centre at London Meed Primary School for children with speech and language difficulties

The Special Support Centre (SSC) at London Meed School is an 11 place centre for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who have severe speech and language difficulties as their primary need. Whilst the SSC is physically part of London Meed Primary School, SSC admissions are administered directly by West Sussex and are governed separately to those for the mainstream school. Nevertheless our aim is to ensure that just because a child has an EHCP and identified speech and language difficulties this should not prevent them from experiencing the rich social and academic offer that is available within a thriving mainstream primary school.

Pupils attending the SSC will have a Primary Need in Speech and Language, but may also have additional physical, medical, cognitive or social and emotional needs to meet. They will mainly come from the local area but may also use the School Transport Service. Children at London Meed SSC receive a curriculum differentiated and modified in pace, content and delivery, as appropriate for a child who has a speech and language disorder, within a communication friendly environment. It is delivered by specialist staff experienced in speech and language impairments. The children access enhanced speech and language therapy with trained staff. Specialist interventions and resources are put in place to meet the needs of individual children. They will access mainstream lessons and activities, playtimes and other social aspects of school life including school clubs and trips where appropriate.

Staff work closely with parents, outside agencies, mainstream staff and peers to ensure that children’s needs are met and a balance is achieved that secures the social and emotional well-being of the children as well as academic progress. Parents and staff communicate via a home/school contact book as well as the usual channels of talking in person or by phone, or by email.

Children may be admitted into the SSC at any time in their Primary Education, following the issue of an EHCP or an Annual Review when it has been mutually agreed between parents and professionals that the placement would be a suitable one. A full consultation is held between the Local Authority, SSC staff, the Head teacher and governors of the school. Children come into the SSC to access the specialist approach speech and language provision that is needed to meet their needs.

Children may continue their education in the SSC until Y6 before they transfer to local secondary schools with support, secondary SSCs or Special Schools. During their time here, the suitability of placement is always reviewed at each Annual Review, and sometimes a child might move to a different setting before they reach Year 6. In any case staff work closely with parents and children to support any transition process that takes place either to or from the SSC. This includes supported visits to the SSC or the setting that the child is moving from or to, liaison with parents and key staff from the setting, attendance at Annual Reviews, the preparation of materials e.g. photos for transition booklets and transition group work with peers. The SSC is wheelchair accessible. Staff work closely with the Sensory Needs service to make adaptations for any hearing or visually impaired pupils.

We pride ourselves on providing the most inclusive provision that we can for each pupil, ensuring the pupils have many opportunities to mix with and to develop friendships with all of the children in their year group not just those children admitted to the SSC.