We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd September. Gates open at 8.35am. Please ensure your child is in class ready for registration at 8.45am. Home time for all children is 3.15pm.

Home Learning Guidelines

Home Learning Guidelines 


-Reading four times a week

-Suggestions for optional home learning linked to learning in class

Years 1 & 2

-Reading four times a week

-Year One: alternate English and Maths based activities, as well as words of the week

-Year Two: Spelling and Maths based activities each week

Years 3-5

-Reading four times a week

-Spellings to learn and sentence / paragraph based activities

-Mathletics activities

-TT Rockstars activities

Year 6

-Reading four times a week

-Spellings to learn and sentence / paragraph based activities

-Mathletics activities

-TT Rockstars activities

-Spag.com activities and SATs revision tasks starting after Christmas