Gates open at 8.35am and pick up is 3.15pm.

How does my child contribute their views?

London Meed teachers encourage children to reflect upon their own work and achievements, and on the work and achievements of others. All pupils at London Meed are given feedback from their teacher on what they have done well and what they need to focus on next. Each pupil should be able to see the next step and make movement towards it.

Pupils with Special Needs will have targets in those areas they find most challenging. All of these targets should be developed with your pupil. The pupil will at least be aware of the target and of what success would look like. Targets for pupils with SEN will be written on a Special Provision Plan.

Pupils with an EHCP will have an Annual Review each year where they will be invited to attend and show their work, give views and ask questions.

At times pupils will be invited to express their views with adults 1:1. This may be with class teachers, SENCo or Governors.

As with all children there are forums that can be used by children with special needs. Children know there is a suggestions box in school in which they can put their ideas for improving the school

All classes have ‘circle time’ which is a forum for raising questions or concerns relevant to the class

All classes from Y2 have School Councillors.  These pupil representatives meet regularly with our Assistant SENCo, Ms Palethorpe, in order to raise school issues affecting their class

Children are encouraged to speak to ANY trusted adult in school because we all have necessary safeguarding training in order to work with children.

 Updated September 2022