At London Meed we aim for pupils with Special Needs to make progress at a rate that stops them falling behind their peers.
A decision to list your child at SEN Support will be considered if they still find it hard to understand the work or to make expected progress despite extra help. Expected progress does one or more of the following:
- is similar to that of peers starting from the same baseline;
- matches or betters the child’s previous rate of progress;
- closes the attainment gap between the child and their peers;
- prevents the attainment gap growing wider
Before any decision is made, you will be invited to come to school again to talk again with the teacher and the class earning support assistant to discuss and decide on this next step. This time Jussi Viinikka the SENCo will be sure to be there. After this meeting it may be decided that SENCo needs to keep a closer eye on your child’s progress and that they will be added to the SEN list. At this time there may be a need for a special test or assessment to be made to help decide the best ways to help.
In the SEND Code of Practice the government say that schools must use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need.
There may be a role for specific, time limited intervention by named staff to address issues identified by assessment, screening or testing. We do not hold a definitive list of interventions that we will find children to match. Rather we will seek to match an intervention to identified pupil need. It is time limited so that if it works, it has worked. If it doesn’t have a positive impact than we stop and think what else can we try that might work better.
There is a wealth of advice in the ‘What works best for…’ publications sponsored by the government. There is one for each of the four main areas of need in SEND.
Updated September 2022