We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 3rd September. Gates open at 8.35am. Please ensure your child is in class ready for registration at 8.45am. Home time for all children is 3.15pm.

Important message from the LMA

Dear School Community,

Firstly welcome to all the new families, we hope you are enjoying your school journey so far. 

As some of you are aware we had to postpone our Colour Run in the Summer term due to the weather. We had suggested a September date for this to take place but unfortunately we do not have the capacity to fulfill this commitment currently and must therefore postpone it again till the next Summer term 2025. We have booked the Summer Fair to be on the 5th July 2025. All tickets currently sold will be honoured and further tickets can be purchased at any point between now and then. If you would like to request a refund for your previous purchase, please let me know and we will action this for you. 


Tickets are available here https://www.pta-events.co.uk/londonmeed/?event=event&eventId=82152 


This term we are aiming to hold uniform sales, a disco and of course the Christmas Fair! The fair will take place on the 30th November and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. Ticket sales and further information will be sent in due course. 


We hope to hold a disco before the October half term and this will be our first priority. 


We will send out information as and when it is available and including details of any LMA meetings that take place, we would love to see some new faces at these and receive some fresh ideas and new eyes on the events. 


Thank you everyone, and looking forward to a fun filled fundraising new school year! 


The LMA Team